Emergency Dentists Available

Dental Emergencies

River Landing Dentistry has the experience and credentials you’re looking for when seeking an emergency dentist.


Relief starts here.

Dedicated to life-long learning, our dentists have averaged triple the required continuing education credit hours (per licensing period) throughout their careers; the minimum requirements for the state of South Carolina are 28 continuing education credit hours per licensing period!

A Top Rated Emergency Dental Practice Serving Charleston with locations in Daniel Island and Nexton.

“Very knowledgeable and competent dentist with an unusually caring personality. Seeing Dr. Zechmann is always a pleasure.”

Paul R.River Landing Dentistry Patient


Dr. Rebeca Zechmann


Dr. Ravi Patel


Dr. Jennifer Stokes


Charleston’s Choice Dentists

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Dental Emergencies in North Charleston

We’ve equipped our office with advanced technology and amenities!

Comfortable, clean & friendly care!

Other Dental Urgencies:

Severe pain anywhere in the mouth.

Swollen gums, the appearance of a “pimple” on the gums.

Severe pain after an extraction.

Broken or cracked teeth that hurt.

Knocked out, misplaced, or lost teeth.

Poor-fitting dentures that irritate gum tissue.

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Common Dental Emergencies:

Examples of dental problems that require urgent attention, which will be treated as soon and minimally invasively as possible, include:

Severe dental pain.

Pericoronitis or third-molar pain.

Severe pain after dental extraction (surgical postoperative osteitis).

Abscess or localized infections resulting in pain and swelling.

Tooth fracture resulting in pain or causing soft tissue laceration.

Lost or loose teeth.

Lost or broken temporary restoration.

Other treatments that can be quickly scheduled are suture removals, denture adjustments on oncology patients, denture adjustments or repairs when function impeded, and temporary filling replacements in patients experiencing pain.

We see patients as promptly as possible, and in real emergencies, we provide immediate attention. The ADA define dental emergencies as situations that “are potentially life-threatening and require immediate treatment to stop ongoing tissue bleeding [or to] alleviate severe pain or infection.” Conditions catalogued as emergencies include uncontrolled bleeding, bacterial infection resulting in swelling that can compromise the patient’s airway, or fractures of facial bones that potentially compromises the patient’s airway.



At River Landing Dentistry, we know that toothaches can be unbearable. They can be a consequence of multiple factors, including dental decay, infections, clenching/grinding, and tooth fractures. Our dentist will determine what’s causing the pain and offer an immediate solution to ease your discomfort. Periodic temperature or chewing sensitivity may indicate a simple solution. However, if persistent, spontaneous pain is present, more extensive treatment may need to be performed.

What to do when you have a toothache:

First, try rinsing your mouth with warm salty water. Carefully clean the area, removing any food particles that can worsen the pain. Sometimes, sleeping with an extra pillow or avoiding physical activity can be of some help. Over-the-counter pain killers can be taken if needed.  

Broken or Cracked Tooth


The treatment will vary according to the severity and extent of the trauma. Based on the x-ray and examination, our dentist will tell you the best course of action.

Small chips and cracks can be easily fixed with a composite filling. However, teeth with larger fractures usually require dental crowns, and in most cases, a root canal needs to be performed. On rare occasions, the fracture is so extensive that the tooth cannot be saved, and a dental implant would be the recommended treatment to replace this affected tooth.

What to do when you have a broken or cracked tooth:

Try to save the missing pieces. Wash your mouth with warm salty water. If bleeding is present, apply pressure with a piece of gauze. Remove it when saturated (15-20 min) and reapply if needed. Use a cold pack to reduce any swelling present and visit us as soon as possible.

Lost Crown or Filling

Although uncommon, some crowns and fillings can come off due to debond or infiltrations. In case of a debond, the treatment simply consists of recementing the crown or replacing the filling. However, if the restorations are lost due to undermining decay, the dentist will have no choice but to start the treatment again from scratch. Our team at Landing Dentistry will determine the reason for the debond and offer a long term solution.

Loose or Knocked-Out Teeth


Dental emergencies from trauma injuries include anything from a sore tooth to a completely knocked-out tooth. These injuries are most commonly seen in sportspeople but can also be a consequence of children’s playground or domestic accidents.

Sore teeth typically heal on their own with a soft diet and some precautions when you bite or chew. Loose or misplaced teeth usually require manual repositioning and being held in place with a flexible splint for a few weeks. Lost teeth are the most severe scenario. They need to be reimplanted as soon as possible – the sooner the teeth are back in place, the better their chances of survival. The lost tooth should be grabbed by the crown, gently cleaned and transported in a cup of milk, saline, or a balanced storage medium. Avoid water by all means!

*Misplaced teeth and lost teeth are time-dependent.

Dental Abscess


An abscess is an acute bacterial infection that typically produces swelling and pain. Depending on its origin, we can classify abscesses into two types: teeth abscesses and gum abscesses. While the infection of the dental pulp causes a tooth abscess, a gum abscess is produced when bacteria get trapped between the gum and the tooth and end up attacking the periodontal tissues.

The treatment is different for each type of abscess, but it is always directed at the signs and symptoms. The main objective is to eliminate the source of infection: either with a root canal or extraction or with deep cleaning or periodontal surgery. This therapy is usually combined with antibiotics.

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